To configure an XRPL FT TGR, follow these steps:
Log in to the Command Center at https://cc.collab.land.
Click on the TGRs tab for the server you want to work with.
Press the + Select Role button to choose the Discord role you want to use for the TGR.
Add an optional description of your TGR.
Select XRPL as the Chain Type.
Select XRPL FT as the Token Type.
Add the currency by using standard currency codes (such as USD) or non-standard currency codes in hex format. You can find the currency using any XRPL block explorer of your choice (e.g., https://livenet.xrpl.org/).
Add the Issuer Address. You can find it using an XRPL block explorer of your choice (e.g., https://livenet.xrpl.org/).
Enter the minimum amount of tokens required to get the role in the Balance - Min Amount field.
Enter the maximum amount of tokens (optional) in the Balance - Max Amount field.
Click the Save button to create your XRPL TGR.
This is what an XRPL FT TGR should look like:

If you are trying to create a TGR with an XRPL NFT instead, follow these steps:
Log in to the Collab.Land Dashboard - Command Center at https://cc.collab.land.
Click on the TGRs tab for the server you want to work with.
Press the + Select Role button to choose the Discord role you want to use for the TGR.
Add an optional description of your TGR.
Select XRPL as the chain type.
Select XRPL NFT as the token type.
Add the Taxon (optional). You finding it using an XRPL block explorer of your choice (e.g., https://livenet.xrpl.org/).
Add the Issuer Address. You can find it using an XRPL block explorer of your choice (e.g., https://livenet.xrpl.org/).
Enter the minimum amount of tokens required to get the role in the Balance - Min Amount field.
Enter the maximum amount of tokens (optional) in the Balance - Max Amount field.
Add specific metadata conditions which must be met for the member to qualify for the role in the Attributes field (optional). If your NFT contains metadata traits and values, you can find them using an XRPL block explorer of your choice (e.g., https://livenet.xrpl.org/).
Click the + Add metadata button to enter the metadata traits and values.
Click the Save Traits button once you have finished adding your metadata.
Click the Save button to create your XRPL TGR.
This is what an XRPL NFT TGR should look like: